In 2020 Pocky wants to create a positive campaign related to new resolutions, dreams and hopes to welcome the new year with a more optimistic spirit and full of happiness.
Objective : Increase positive brand image & lead to sales
We created the #PockyOptimisBahagia campaign to invite everyone to write their dreams and hopes for 2020 through the website and Pocky will grant the most wishes.
We also create the #JodohnyaPocky #BukaPockylah #PockyBerasaDijepang & #NextLevelPocky campaign in 2021 -2022.
Campaign Strategy, Social media management, Website development, Digital Activity, KOL Management, BTL Daihatsu Indonesia master, Games Filter & POSM.
By the implementation of planning, dedication, and a lot of hard work. We achieve this results.